Monday, May 30, 2011

Perpetuum, a failed clone?

So today was supposed to be the whole F2P buisness model, but I decided not to. I wrote a couple of pages on it but then realized: I don't know what the heck I am talking about. Time to try something else.

A couple of first impressions about Perpetuum instead, maybe more later.

Perpetuums website

Perpetuum is an Online, single server, real time skill based progression sci-fi MMO. Yes, it is a mouthful.

Off the bat, I would like to say that the graphics are shot.
I have no problem against games that look bad but play well, but these are just so horribly CPU dependant without any good visual effects. I can play high-end games all the way on max settings no problem, but this is just abysmal.

Second, the interface is EXACTLY like EVE. It has the whole desktop feel to it, just like EVE.

In fact, almost everything about this game is like EVE, minus the fact that you control a robot, and move on land.

Yes, there is a tracking system, just like EVE.

Yes, there is a automated combat system, just like EVE.

Even the website looks just like EVE's.

The whole skill-based progression? Its literally exactly like EVE's.

The character creation is just like EVE's but much, much, much worse.

My opinion so far? This game offers nothing that EVE does not already have. Its like a watered down version of EVE. If you are interested in a game like this, play EVE. It is so much smoother and more fun, and as far as I can tell this game has very little content.

Now I have not given up hope yet. I'll try and resolve the graphics issue, and maybe put a few more hours into it. I cannot promise a full review yet, I can't be promising things I cannot deliver.

Over time, I will periodically checking back on the website, seeing if they are introducing anything that will make this more unique.

Side note: The rest of this weeks schedule will continue as scheduled.